What the heck is a root canal?
So...what in the world is a root canal? You wouldn’t really know unless you’ve gotten one done or maybe a few. Additionally, the procedure is much more common among older patients but that doesn’t mean younger patients are immune. The procedure can be required at any age (given that you have tooth decay deep enough) and what causes tooth decay? Not brushing well and lots of refined carbs/sugars! If you already know what a root canal is, skip this blog post and stay tuned for next week’s! We’ll be talking about the most popular cosmetic dental procedures. Anyhoo, back to root canals. A root canal is an endodontic procedure (“endo” = Greek for inside and “odont” = Greek for teeth). Btw, knowing some Greek prefixes is TOTALLY useful for understanding new words, especially in the scientific field! Again, back to our topic...this endodontic procedure is often necessary when the “pulp,” which is the inner layer of the tooth that has blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue becomes infec...