Combatting Cavities

How many of you have had 1 or more cavities during your lifetime? (I should see almost everyone’s hands in the air). Besides knowing that they’re a red you actually know what they are and what causes them? If the answer is below and soak in the information! If the answer is yes...skip this post and stay tuned for next week’s post. 😜

A cavity is basically a hole in your teeth (tooth decay) due to multiple factors causing acid erosion in the enamel of your teeth. Unfortunately, they are signs of permanent damage and have to be filled by the dentist. If the tooth decay is not treated properly, it can result in bad breath, toothache, pain, sensitivity, and even tooth loss. 

Some of the factors contributing to cavities are:
  • Not brushing regularly and cleaning between teeth (flossing) 
  • Eating a lot of sugary and starchy foods 
  • Bacteria present in the mouth 
As mentioned in the previous blog post, there is bacteria present in your mouth and in/over your body at all times. It’s kind of unavoidable and totally a natural thing. However, some of these bacteria in your mouth can feed off of leftover food and form plaques (a clear sticky film coating on teeth). When that plaque isn’t removed and cleaned properly, it will begin to remove minerals from the enamel of your teeth and lead to erosion…and then eventually to cavities. 😞

Now that you know how cavities are formed, I’m certain that you know what steps to take to prevent them.
  • Brush and floss regularly (some dentists recommend doing this after every meal) 
  • Reduce the amount of sugary and acidic drinks (and if you can’t...use a straw) 
  • Drink more water (Fluoride in water helps protect teeth) 
  • See your dentist regularly (every 6 months!) 
  • Quit smoking (if you are a smoker, that is) 
If you’re following all these steps, I’d stay you’re in the clear of cavities. Just keep following these steps and your doctor’s advice to maintain your dental health.


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